Monday, December 13, 2010


where the hell does one even begin this venture? the present makes the most sense i suppose...

i just turned 29 last week and have vowed to begin documenting more of my life. mostly for purposes of reflection and because i think about a lot of shit. a lot. often after this thinking, i forget. i like to write and get stuff out. a few topics i could spend the night writing about are sex and gender, LGBT issues, relationships, love, loss, aging, society, women's issues, current events/news, feminism, crime, porn, masturbation, health, and cats. my interests really stretch far and wide and i love a good debate and/or hearing the ideas of others. i'm going to be relatively uncensored so i hope not to offend. my language is awful as i don't filter out swears. there will most likely be nudity and stories with sexual content.

i plan on this being an enlightening experience, hopefully for more than just me. so, enjoy your window seat and buckle your seat belt...this bitch's life can get crazy.

PEACE and LOVE to ALL :)

1 comment:

  1. Worrying about offending people is over rated.

    That being said, it is what I spend 95% of my time doing.

    But at least on here, where no one REALLY knows me, I can say stuff I wouldn't say in front of friends and family.

    Fuck yeah!
