Monday, January 3, 2011

my new body modification

i seriously have tons on my mind, but will exclude most of it for now and talk about my new piercings because i'm in love with them!

i finally got my nips pierced! i've been with 4 girls in the past 6 months who had them and was a little apprehensive personally about getting it done for months. i didn't have sensitive nipples to begin with and heard all positive feedback in that department from my lady friends. so i began seriously considering it and went back and forth - often even in the same day. well, impulse got the best of me last thursday! i was going to meet a buddy of mine for a few drinks that night but picked him up instead and made him come with me to the tatoo/piercing place a friend recommended. i signed all the paperwork and went into the piercing room - alone. i was sweating my ass off, but otherwise calm. i knew it might pinch, but really didn't worry about it as it'd be over in a second. the piercer made me undress and stand facing her while she marked both sides of my nipples. when she was doing this, she mentioned how incredibly calm i was. i took a seat in the chair and she asked if i was ready. "let's do this!" i said. she put the clamp on my left nipple and took the needle and barbell and stick it up to my skin. on cue i took a deep breath and she proceeded to insert the needle. i was immediately taken over by this intense indescribable heat throughout my torso/abdomen and pain in my left nipple. one down! she attached the ball to the end of the barbell. the intense heat had passed shortly afterward, but i could feel my heart racing and sweat rolled down my side from under my tits. she asked if i was ready for number two. i told her to give me a second. she then asked if i was feeling dizzy. i wasn't, but i needed to just breathe for a second, as i had the feeling this second one would be worse now that i knew what to expect. i took about 20-30 seconds to recuperate, then said i was ready. the clamp was placed on rightie and again i was directed to take a deep breath. i inhaled real deeply this time, ready for the pain. again the heat came immediately as she pierced my skin and pushed the needle through. it seemed less painful than the first but just as crazy intense! i was glad it was over and could finally look down once she attached the ball. i was shocked that there was no blood at all! i got dressed and came out of the bright little room. my buddy was amazed that it was already done. we then went out as planned - starting with 3 improv shots of whiskey for my nipples! all night i could feel a tight, stingy sensation, occasionally i felt a pinchy pain. we had only intended on going out for a few beers and chatting, but ended up going to a newly opened gay bar when the first place got douchey around 11pm, meeting two super cool gay boys (and of course me showing off my tits to them), the bar closing, and us taking our two new friends back to my buddy's place! wasn't exactly the best idea to party or pierce the night before a super crowded new year's eve funk/soul dance party, but c'est la vie...
so without further's mah new and improved titties!!

still a nice fucking RACK!
*right after piercing*

i can't wait for them to heal entirely so i (and others) can play with em! i'm extremely pleased with my decision to get them done. another piercing i've been considering for a while is a vertical hood OR the triangle. the latter is the most invasive female genital piercing involving the clit - it essentially goes behind clitty and through your hood. i'd really need to do some research on my potential piercer, since many do not perform it due to inexperience and/or the higher amount of risk involved. it's all for pleasure though and in my opinion so worth the risk if i find the right person!


  1. Wow, those look great! Nipple piercings are sweet, but they look PAINFUL.

    Keep us updated on the healing and stuff, I will be curious to see how that goes. :)

  2. thanks lady! i never realized how much i rested my arms on/against them or the sheer frequency of bumping my tits on stuff til they were done! mostly running into doors and corners! like, wtf?! but so far so good on the healing - just a tiny amount of dried blood, especially if i've been "active." ;)
    oh, i also have perma-nip now and am acutely aware of anything that comes near em!

  3. Oh man, I bet. Watch out for seatbelts!! Those kill me when I am feeling sensitive, and I can't imagine twanging one of those new piercings with the belt...OUCH!

    And watch out for walls, apparently, LOL! I am a klutz too, so I'm sure I would have the same problem.
