Monday, January 3, 2011

upcoming ink!

i've been wanting this tattoo for about a year now, but either i felt that the time was not appropriate or i lacked the expendable funds. i stumbled upon the design quite randomly in a historical text on paganism in bronze-age western europe which depicted stone carvings of all types of labyrinths. i was instantly captivated by one picture in particular and have meditated on the symbolism held within it. it's a sacred ancient symbol that represents so so much in a simple design. for starters, there is only one path which travels from outside within and back out again, though always going forward. although at first it appears similar, the labyrinth is not a maze as it lacks dead-ends and options in direction. to me, this pattern is so rich in meaning. i also thought about how it represented our journey as individuals, the learning of self-awareness, and projection of that knowledge back outward. this process occurs throughout all of our lives and in some more than others. the fact that there is only one path which takes drastic 180 degree turns is also very dear to me, as i seem to follow this one path which seems right at all times, regardless of major changes in direction and/or location. my belief in the interconnectedness of every living thing in this universe is also represented, as is birth (life) and death. i see this most closely in the center, where lines cross. i'm not big on numerology, but the number 7 is represented in this labyrinth and supposedly represents the 7 chakras (life energies). the way taken by tracing the path also leads to the 5th - pure mind - at the center. i've definitely found a certain internal centering which has come from meditating on this ancient symbol and can't wait to have it on me at all times!!

purpose, direction, energy, life, death, concentration, breath, form, self-identity, consciousness, projection

interestingly, since seeing it about a year ago for the first time, i've encountered it randomly several times without seeking it out in the slightest way. all the more reason i feel compelled to get it! now all i have to think about is how big do i want it and where to place it - upper back, shoulder, or on my deltoid?


  1. How exciting! Labyrinths are awesome.

    You can invite people to follow the labyrinth with their tongue, or a piece of ice. ;)

    That would actually be really cool to have on your lower stomach, above your mons. Deltoid would be sweet too, or the back of your hand.

  2. holy rawrr to the tracing ;)
    i already have some sexy ink on and above my mons! the piece stretches from hip to hip and dips down about 1.5" into my pubes.
    i'm thinking placement on my right deltoid would be perfect, about 4x4" in size :) thanks for the input! it still may be a few months til fruition however - so hard to stay patient!
